
This is your captain speaking...


以下に引用するのはそんな深刻な状況ではないですが、実際にあった話しのようです。タイの英字紙に乗っていた記事です。(The Bangkok Post, March 13, 2005. By Roger Crutchley)

“This is your captain speaking…”

On a trip to Phuket earlier this month I experienced, along with about 200 other passengers, a slightly dodgy landing. The plane hit the tarmac with something of a wallop and we bounced down the runway a bit like an uncoordinated kangaroo. There were a few shouts of alarm and the bump certainly woke up anyone who happened to still be dozing in their seats.

[語注]dodgy危なっかしい; tarmac滑走路; something of a wallopドシーンという音を立てて; uncoordinated kangaroo千鳥足のカンガルーのように; dozing 居眠りしていた

At least it provided a talking point while we taxied around the airport as it seems that everyone had a previous bad-landing tale to tell. Then the Thai captain came over the intercom and apologised about the rough set-down. I think most of us were expecting him to explain that the wind had suddenly shifted or the wheels had fallen off or something like that. Instead he announced, in most humble fashion: "I'm sorry about that bad landing. It was totally my fault. I made a very bad mistake. I'm really sorry. I hope everyone is okay." After which there was a slight pause before he added, "I hope you will please enjoy flying with me next time."

[語注] talking point話しを始めるきっかけ; taxied around地上走行する; intercom機内放送スピーカー; apologised米語ならapologizedのスペリングになるところ。この著者はイギリス人かオーストラリア人でしょう。前段でカンガルーが引き合いに出されているところから、オーストラリア人の可能性が強い; set-down = touch-down; in most humble fashionいかにも低姿勢の言い方で; 

It was a somewhat unorthodox explanation, but it brought a hearty mixture of applause and laughter from the tourists aboard the flight, impressed at the pilot's frankness and amused by the suggestion they might wish to fly with him again.

[語注] unorthodox explanation機長らしからぬ説明; hearty mixture of気持よく入り交じった; frankness 率直さ; amused byおかしいと思って  

I must admit that my main concern when getting on an aircraft is to get off again at the other end, preferably in one piece. Anything else is a bonus. In fact US movie director Orson Welles wasn't too far off the mark when he commented: "There are two emotions on a plane: boredom or terror."

Give me boredom any time.

[語注] preferably in one piece願わくば五体満足で; Orson Welles 「市民ケーン」など往年の映画監督・俳優; not too far off the mark ・・・と言っても的はずれではない; boredom退屈 ; terror恐怖; Give me boredom any time 退屈ならいつでも歓迎



“We have a small problem”

Next time you feel like complaining on a plane, spare a thought for the 239 passengers on a British Airways 747 flight over Indonesia in the early 1980s. A calm voice came over the intercom: "Good evening ladies and gentleman. This is your captain speaking. We ... er ... have a small problem ... all four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again and we trust you will not be given too much distress."

[語注]Spare a thought for ….のことに思いを馳せてやってください; a small problem これはイギリス人特有の控えめな表現(=British understatement)。アメリカ人ならa serious problemと言うところ; doing our damnedest思いつく限りのことをやっている; ….too much distressあまり悲嘆なさらないように……(エンジン4基とも止まっているんですからね!)イギリス風ブラックユーモアの真骨頂です。

The plane had just flown through a cloud of volcanic ash, putting out all four engines. The 747 proceeded to plunge 25,000 feet in a matter of seconds before the captain was able to restart the first engine. Slowly, the others sparked into life and the plane landed safely in what at the time was termed "a miracle".

[語注]volcanic ash火山灰(インドネシア・ジャワ島には活火山がいくつもある);plunge急降下する; In a matter of secondsほんの数秒間に; sparked into life息を吹きかえした; in what at the time was termed “a miracle” 当時の報道で「奇跡」と言われたように。

So you want to complain about a bouncy landing or lousy airline food?


私のマレーシアの友人が明日からアメリカに行きますが、シンガポール航空でシンガポール/ニューヨーク間をノンストップ便で行くと電話がありました。新鋭のエアバス機では18時間の長距離フライトもノンストップで飛べるようになったのです。彼も恐怖より退屈な旅を願っているでしょうから、”Enjoy your boredom.”とメールしておきました。


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